China Market Research
Knowing your target market well will lead you to make the right decisions.
The Chinese market is a unique and complex market. It requires sound knowledge on its consumption patterns and local specificities. The key to growth is holding clear, accurate data on the market and the local consumers.
Our Market Research practice manages quantitative, qualitative, and desk research and offers expertise in understanding the Chinese market’s specific qualities.
Uncontrollable factors such as consumer behavior can make it difficult for managers to make confident business decisions. Crucial decisions should not be based on personal feeling, but on actual facts and absolute certainties. Understanding the complexity of your consumer can lead to more informed decision-making and helps businesses gain a competitive advantage.
Market research is the best tool to give you this information. It can help reduce uncertainty by providing relevant information about the Chinese market, its environment, and its customers. Our aim is to provide you with quality, tested information and research, so you can make the best choices for your enterprise.
Market Information
S.J. Grand market advisory team, along with its partners, Daxue Consulting and C.i. Process, has widespread expertise and helps clients to identify and analyze the market needs, market opportunities and competition. Our staff has extensive experience in FMCG sectors, food and beverage, technologies, real estate projects, travel, leisure, E-commerce websites, luxury fields, and fashion as well as industrial and B2B businesses.
We can help you with your most difficult challenges, including pricing, product line configuration, brand positioning, and choice of business alliance partners.
We are deeply involved in every stage of the survey: Managing relation building with the client, designing the survey, editing questionnaires, coordinating and monitoring the field-work, conducting data analysis and providing results reporting in face to face presentation.

Customized Methodology
We offer customized services adapted to suit a client’s specific needs. Furthermore, we adapt our methodologies according to the information you need, and we gather the data specifically required by your issues. You are involved in the process to help us to identify the most suitable methodology according to your need, to your budget and to the specificity of the market. The market intelligence tools include market research, focus groups, mystery shopping, store checks, market study, China entry strategy, retail & distribution consulting, naming strategy and in-depth and quantitative interviews.
We have a high-qualified team to perform field-work for both qualitative and quantitative methodology. It guarantees to gather the most accurate, reliable and valid information according to your needs and finances.
We use complex analytical techniques to insure you the deepest analysis possible. Our cross-tabulated results enable you to segment your market easily and efficiently. Provided reports always enhance key points of the target market and highlight key success drivers. Our aim is to lead you to the right decision for your business.
Furthermore, we like to offer you more than data and results as market and management activation suggestions are a major part of our services. We assume that some of the best ideas come from post-research formal (or informal) discussions.
Finally, unlike many of market research companies, we do not disappear after presenting you our result. We like to build long term relationship with our client, and we remain available for any further information related to the survey.