Category: Business in China

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Category: Business in China

foreign NGOs in China
Article 2 of the Overseas NGO Law (中华人民共和国境外非政府组织境内活动管理法) delineates Overseas Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) as entities that are not operated for profit and are established outside mainland China. In this blog post we talk about aspects of accounting and financial reporting for foreign NGOs in China.
Selling goods to Chinese companies and getting paid
While Chinese market offers significant opportunities for foreign businesses, doing business with local companies could be challenging. Cultural differences, intellectual property risks, non-enforceable contracts, delayed payments – you name it. In this blog post we offer a basic guide for selling goods/providing services to Chinese companies.
China Compliance Checklist
Having a thorough understanding of relevant laws and ensuring your business adheres to them significantly reduces the likelihood of encountering legal issues in China. In this blog post we have compiled a brief compliance checklist for foreign businesses operating in China.

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